Criminal Defense

John has routinely handled underage possession or consumption, open container, aid and abet underage purchase or possession of alcohol, underage drinking and driving and ABC or service of alcohol offenses for over twenty years. He will examine the facts surrounding your charge and determine the best course of action to eliminate or diminish the consequences associated with alcohol related offenses.
Alcohol ChargesAlcohol Charges are often encountered by students attending any of the several universities and colleges here in Raleigh. John has extensive experience in representing and counseling college students who find themselves charged with alcohol related offenses. He is familiar with the legal and personal pitfalls associated with choices made by those who choose to consume alcohol while underage.
Death by Vehicle – Serious Injury by Vehicle Offenses
Often a night on the town and a decision to drive away leads to a heart-breaking and serious situation. These situations require an experienced lawyer like John to guide you through a traumatic and potentially devastating legal experience. John has represented people charged with offenses such as DWI Death or Felony Death by Vehicle, Murder, Voluntary or Involuntary Manslaughter, Misdemeanor Death by Vehicle and Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury.
John is one of the most experienced, dedicated. and widely recognized DWI lawyers in North Carolina. Misdemeanor or felony Death by Vehicle charges can involve Driving While Impaired. See our DWI page for more details on how this experience and dedication can be put to work to help you through the worst situation you may ever face.
Federal OffensesJohn is a Board Certified as a Specialist in Federal Criminal Defense by the North Carolina State Bar. He has represented many individuals in federal court from Grand Jury Proceedings, Pre-indictment Negotiations, Drug Offenses, Firearm Offenses, to Fraud and theft of Government Property. Federal crimes are more serious than those charged in State courts, and the penalties are harsher. Because Federal court rules and procedures differ significantly from State court, you need a lawyer with Federal court experience. When you hire John and Fanney Law Office, PLLC to represent you, you will have a recognized and experienced attorney on your side.
Larceny – Embezzlement – Fraud OffensesJohn has represented and counseled hundreds of people facing allegations of larceny charges. John has helped individuals charged with larceny, fraud, embezzlement, failure to file/pay North Carolina Income Taxes, theft of government property, Medicaid Fraud and other theft offenses. Many times these cases can be resolved without jail time and, in some instances, without a conviction.
Tough financial times and poor decisions often lead to criminal charges involving money. You need to make a smart decision and hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer like John to get you the result you need. John handles these cases in an honest and non-judgmental manner. He will care about you, your legal problem and, more importantly, your future.
Sex OffensesJohn has experience in representing people charged with Rape, Indecent Liberties with a Minor, Sex Offenses, Possession of Child Pornography, Indecent Exposure, Secret Peeping, and Sexual Exploitation of Minors. These types of crimes are very personal and can carry lifelong consequences such as mandatory registration as a sex offender and satellite based monitoring.
John understands that these charges may be the result of a misunderstanding, a vindictive person or a serious personal problem that has gotten out of control. When you are charged sex crimes and sex offenses NC, you need an attorney who understands the necessity of attention to detail and aggressive presentation of your defense defense strategy in court.
Domestic Violence Offenses
Often, Domestic Violence charges are the result of a heated dispute with a spouse, a separation or divorce/custody dispute that has become hotly contested or a substance abuse problem that has caused a person and their relationships to degrade. Whatever the cause, John has helped many individuals and couples deal with the stresses caused by domestic violence charges. John has helped individuals wrongly accused of these offenses as well as those who know they have crossed the line with a loved one. If you Googled, “Criminal Defense Lawyers Near Me Raleigh NC” or “Domestic Violence Attorney,” John Fanney is ready to help.
The range of crimes considered domestic violence offenses is one of the most prosecuted NC criminal laws behind DWI. North Carolina has invested significant resources to combat domestic violence, setting up Domestic Violence Courtrooms, Prosecutors, and DV Domestic Violence Programs set up to deal with these offenses.
Traffic OffensesThe number and type of traffic tickets are almost too numerous to list, however, there is no other type of criminal charges that can affect every person who drives a vehicle. Any charge such as speeding, red light violations, Driving While License Revoked, Move Over law violations can result in increased insurance premiums, the loss of your driver’s license or, eventually jail.
You need a lawyer who has the experience and knowledge to properly handle violations of the NC Traffic Laws, not just a lawyer who charges the lowest price. A defense lawyer who pays attention to the importance of traffic tickets to your driving record can save you money and hardship with NC insurance points. Traffic offenses, including speeding tickets and DWLR driving while license revoked charges in North Carolina can have long-term consequences.
Misdemeanor or Felony Drug OffensesJohn has handled nearly every form of a misdemeanor and felony drug charges in his 30 years o practice. John has represented and counseled countless numbers of clients who have been charged with Possession of Drugs, PWISD Drugs, Drug Trafficking, Possession of Precursor Chemicals, Maintaining a Dwelling or Vehicle, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Manufacturing Marijuana or other Controlled Substances.
John is familiar with the law and procedure surrounding these cases. He will investigate issues such as how the authorities came to find the drugs for which you have been charged and, if available, will employ a strong, legal defense to your charges. John will evaluate all of the potential issues in your case and give you a straightforward analysis of your options.
Many drug offenses are resolved by substance abuse treatment or other options which could lead to a dismissal of your charges. Every case is different and outcomes can vary, but you can depend on John’s efforts to help you make the best decision for the outcome of your legal problem. Whether you agree with current drug laws or not, our federal, state and local governments invest tremendous amounts of resources to prosecute all types of drug offenses. You need to make an investment in a lawyer like John who will care about your situation and employ his significant experience to best help you.
When you are charged with one of these offenses, contact John and let him put his experience to work for you in defending you against these charges.
- Assault Charges
- Alcohol Offenses
- Death by Vehicle
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Offenses
- Federal Offenses
- Gun Laws
- Kidnapping
- Larceny, Embezzlement, Fraud
- Sex Offenses
- Traffic Offenses
- How to Handle a Situation Where You Want to Drop Charges
- Turning Yourself In for a Warrant in Raleigh: Steps and Considerations
- Facing Misdemeanor Charges in NC: What You Need to Know
- What to Know if You’re Charged with Burglary in North Carolina
- Can the District Attorney Drop Charges? Explained
- North Carolina Hazing Laws
- Criminal Law Reform
- Raise the Age
- Felonious Breaking or Entering - Place of Religious Worship
- Felonious Breaking or Entering
- Self Defense Laws in NC
- Set Aside Guilty Plea
- Trial Tactics for Criminal Charges: Strategies for Effective Defense
- Vigorous Advocacy for Breaking and Entering Charges
- Understanding Death by Vehicle Charges