Alcohol Offenses
Alcohol-related offenses can be serious charges and extend beyond Driving While Impaired. Some of them may be viewed as misdemeanors while others are considered felonies, resulting in a criminal record that will be difficult to have removed.
Offenses involving alcohol can affect your life in many ways. Besides losing your driver’s license, you can be sentenced to a heavy fine and/or jail time. In addition, with a mark on your permanent record, you may not be allowed to hold certain jobs. If the result is a criminal conviction, landlords may refuse to rent to you and employers may not hire you.
Charges for Alcohol-Related OffensesCharges under this category are broad, but they most often involved serving minors or handling alcohol improperly as well as intoxication. Some of the charges include the following:
- Driving While Impaired
- Public Intoxication
- Transporting an open container
- Purchasing alcohol for minors
- Disorderly conduct
- Assaulting a person
- Resisting arrest
- Disturbing the peace
All of these offenses are directly related to alcohol in some way, and can result in serious consequences. In addition, if the person is a minor, they may be subject to other charges, such as using a fake ID, underage consumption and underage DWI.
If the intoxication leads to injury or the death of another person, you may even be charged with manslaughter. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, you could face a steep fine, lengthy jail sentence and suspension of license.
North Carolina has one of the toughest sets of laws in the country on DWIs and other alcohol-related offenses. Any charge can have serious consequences if you are convicted. The punishment is even more severe for underage drinking and related offenses. You don’t want to let a mistake impact your life just as you are beginning it as an adult.
Underage DrinkingA person under the age of 21, which is the legal age to drink, caught with alcohol in their possession or for the consumption of alcohol can be charged with a misdemeanor. While a misdemeanor is not as serious of a charge as a felony, it can be a permanent mark on your record.
It is important to work with someone like John K. Fanney who has many years of experience working with underage clients who have been charged with this offense. He can provide solid legal counsel to help you make the right decision about your next step.
Fake IDMany underage drinkers attempt to purchase alcohol on their own by using a fake ID. While many modern fake IDs are hard to recognize as such, law enforcement is trained to identify them as well as those who serve alcohol in establishments. Whether you are attempting to purchase alcohol with a fake ID or using it to gain entry in establishments for those 21 years and up, you could be charged with a misdemeanor crime and have your license suspended for up to one year.
Another issue with using a fake ID is that the prosecutor may conduct an investigation and issue felony charges for the offense. If you have been charged with this offense, you need to seek legal help. A fake ID also includes one that has been altered to make you appear older even if the other information is accurate. Contact Fanney Law Office, PLLC if you are dealing with this charge. We can ensure your rights are protected.
Serving to Minors You may think that because you don’t work in a bar or store, you don’t have to worry about being charged with providing alcohol to someone underage. However, that is not the case in North Carolina. If you provide alcohol to a minor whether it is at a party or by purchasing and giving it to them, you may be charged with a class 2 misdemeanor.
If you happen to let an underage friend use your ID to purchase alcohol or even to enter a bar to consume alcohol, you may be charged with a criminal offense and have your license suspended for up to one year.
Get the Best Legal RepresentationIt’s important to hire the best legal representation for charges involving alcohol. Even if you know you did something you shouldn’t have done, you deserve the best defense possible. An experienced attorney can show mitigating factors that will influence a lighter sentence.
Fanney Law Office, PLLC has years of experience representing clients for alcohol offenses. John K. Fanney has helped clients with underage possession and consumption, open container charges as well as purchasing alcohol for minors. He has over 30 years of experience with these cases, and he isn’t afraid to go to court to defend your rights.
John will meet with you and discuss the details of the case. After hearing your story, he will provide sound legal advice on your best course of action. He will conduct a thorough investigation to examine the facts. His goal is to eliminate or diminish the consequences of an alcohol offense.
Because of the presence of universities and colleges in Raleigh, John has had ample opportunities to defend clients in court of alcohol-related charges. He understands the importance of seeking reduced penalties that won’t impact the student’s life for years to come because of a single mistake or lapse in judgment. He also has experience representing those who have been charged with selling to a minor.
Fanney Law Office, PLLC can help you deal with this unfortunate situation in your life whether you are an underage person with a charge or someone who has been serving alcohol or purchasing it for minors. Don’t try to handle the charge on your own. Choose someone who understands the court system in North Carolina. Contact Fanney Law Office, PLLC for a consultation and find out how John K. Fanney can help. Call today (919) 617-7009.