
North Carolina Criminal Law Updates


Do I need a lawyer for an interlock hearing?

What are my legal rights?  What can happen?  Do I need a lawyer for an interlock hearing? You’re about to go into a hearing where the person who prosecutes this case is the same person who decides what happens to you, the DMV hearing officer – John Fanney SEE MORE:  Ignition…


Do I Need a Lawyer for Larceny

Shoplifting Charges – Wake County:  Do I Need a Lawyer for Larceny? These are charges that can follow you around forever – John Fanney § 14-72.1.  Concealment of merchandise in mercantile establishments. (a)        Whoever, without authority, willfully conceals the goods or merchandise of any store, not theretofore purchased by such…


What is Driving While License Revoked

Do I Need a Lawyer?  What is a Suspension?  What is Driving While License Revoked Please never take legal advice from a police officer – John Fanney  See More:  North Carolina General Statute 20-16 What are some of the ways DMV can revoked my license to drive in North Carolina? Impaired…


Do I really need a lawyer for DUI?

Can I Handle a DWI Case by Myself?  What Will Happen in Court?  Do I really need a lawyer for DUI Given the consequences of Impaired Driving in North Carolina, you should take the charges seriously.  The State will be – John Fanney  What Can Happen in Court? DWI cases…


Can They Prosecute DWI Cases with Low Blood Readings?

What is Retrograde Extrapolation? How Do Blood Tests Affect DWI Cases in North Carolina? Can They Prosecute DWI Cases with Low Blood Readings? Can They Prosecute DWI Cases with Low Blood Readings: Yes, Understanding there are Scientific Principles to Consider BAC Refers to Blood Alcohol Content BrAC Refers to Breath…

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