
Articles Posted in DWI DUI Impaired Driving


DWI Sobriety Tests in North Carolina: A Comprehensive Guide

Driving While Impaired (DWI) is a serious offense in North Carolina, carrying significant legal consequences. Understanding the nuances of DWI Sobriety Tests, especially the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs), can be crucial for anyone charged with DUI in Raleigh, North Carolina. This comprehensive guide aims to delve into the intricacies…



As the festive season approaches, Raleigh’s streets come alive with the spirit of celebration. The atmosphere of good tidings can sometimes overshadow the sobering reality of impaired driving arrests. A seemingly innocuous celebration can abruptly end in a harsh encounter with the law and a long night in the Wake…


Common Misconceptions about DUI Charges

Nestled in Wake County is Raleigh, a bustling city where the NC driving while impaired laws are strictly enforced.  The consequences of a DUI charge are far-reaching, touching not only the legal realm but the personal and professional lives of those accused of “drunk driving.” The process can be intricate…


Experienced DWI Defense Attorneys in Raleigh, North Carolina

As a seasoned DUI defense attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina, John Fanney understands the severity of a DWI charge and the potential consequences that come with it. Hiring an experienced DWI attorney is crucial to protect your rights and defend your case if you or a loved one has been…


Field Sobriety Tests for DUI: What You Need to Know

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) and Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) are common tools law enforcement officers use to determine if a driver is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These tests are designed to measure a driver’s physical and cognitive abilities, and assess their level of impairment. If…


Accused of Drunk Driving? STOP TALKING

If you’ve been accused of drunk driving, the most important thing you can do is to STOP TALKING. Politely decline to answer questions and do not agree to submit to field sobriety tests. This includes answering any questions they have about your drinking or driving, where you were coming from,…


Should you Blow or Refuse?

Breath Testing in NC – Should you blow or refuse? When you are pulled over on suspicion of driving while impaired in North Carolina (DWI), the police officer may ask you to take a breath test. You may be wondering what you should do. Should you take SFSTs – Field…


FAQ about DWI charges in Raleigh NC

You need a good DWI lawyer  DWI charges are serious stuff.  Finding the right lawyer is imperative.  We are here to help! If you’re someone who has been arrested for DWI in Raleigh, then it’s important to know what your rights are and how you can take action during this…


Why do they schedule court like that?

The North Carolina court system is busy. . .really busy.  Raleigh criminal defense lawyers like John Fanney spend a tremendous amount of time working through scheduling issues. Part of legal representation as a defense lawyer is explaining to clients a simple, hard fact.  We do NOT control the docket.  The…


How can I be charged with murder for DUI?

How can I be charged with murder for DUI? Wake County Criminal Defense Handling a DWI case that involved the death of another person is extremely complicated. It’s not just a DWI with an autopsy or a dead person. There are very many layers of analysis that have to be…

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